Monday, March 02, 2009

We're back!

We made it home safely--and quickly too! I was able to push the last photos of Akihabara and Shibuya (just a couple of night shots).

Ryan is working on a centralized website for everything so I'll try to post a link so you can see everyone else's pictures, as well.

Here's a direct link to all of *my* photos from our trip.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Sayounara Nihon!

Our time has finally come to an end, which of course means we have to leave. We'll be back home soon, but you'll have to wait for the final pictures of Akihabara and Shibuya until I get home =P.

We don't have to leave here until Monday at 3:30 pm (1:30 am there in Ohio), but I am without internet since we only paid through Sunday.

I hope that everyone has enjoyed the pictures as I've gotten to experience such a wonderful country and wish that all of you could have come along and joined with my time. I've seen enough to know that I need to come back =).